On the morning of St Paddy's Day, earlier this year, I was playing football for Chorlton Irish. It was a really hard-fought game & after about an hour, we fell a goal behind. That football cliché happened, when before kicking off again, everyone rolled up their sleeves, as if to say we've got to start working again. I looked around me & noticed that almost every single one of us had a blue wristband on our wrists. I've taken my 'Team Oscar' band for granted & wear it constantly, but I'd never noticed everyone else wearing theirs before that moment. I think thats what best sums up the level of support both myself & Shaun have received from Chorlton Irish FC
When we were deciding upon a venue for what would be our final fundraiser, there was only ever one choice. We were offered bigger venues, with more support, but Chorlton Irish Club is where our story all began. It was there that Tim, another lad from the Chorlton Irish football team, first put the idea in my head of having a charity connected to the 7ma7ches7coun7ries7days tour, whilst not directly fundraising with it, initially
(6 months on & I still haven't come up with a snappier title for that 1)

It was there that myself & Shaun sat & talked about the logistics of Oscar's Flag carrying on, immediately after that event. (That was near Christmas & I seem to remember being a lengthy discussion, judging by the amount of Guinness consumed by us)
It was in there that Shaun suggested stepping up the fundraising with a whole new challenge, & it was there that shaunscycle4oscar was born. The lunatic
It was always going to be in there.

However, I mentioned in the last blog that the whole dynamic of our event had changed, thanks to Oscar's fantastic news. That's why we've changed the night from 'Soccer OK' to 'Oscar's Party'. What Oscar has achieved is nothing short of remarkable & we want to celebrate that fact, whilst saying thank you to everyone who has supported us, & more importantly, him.
TeamOscarMCR have been a huge help & we want to put on a night that, whilst raising money, is one big party. It's not everyday that you get to celebrate this sort of thing

So come down, get yourself involved & bring your mates for Oscar's Flag's curtain closer, this Friday, 24th May.
Prompt 7.45 kick off. Chorlton Irish Club, 17 High Ln Manchester, Greater Manchester M21 9DJ
There will be some very special guests popping in on the night, the Chorlton Irish FC awards, live music from the fantastic Midnite Crisis, some great prizes to be won & a great night's craic to be had by all. £6 on the door & that includes your own 'Team Oscar' wristband & a feed.
Doesn't include your Guinness,though
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